Karleigh Bon, Storyteller

Out of the forest; into the light...

I have a passion for writing romantic high fantasy realism!

The “Tales of Eldelórne,” trilogy is a realistic representation of everyday experience that takes place in high fantasy setting. The high fantasy elements are simply facts of the realm of Ainghaille. The true focus of the story is on sharing the life that belongs to the edhel and to answer the question, how far will the ruling Lordes of Ilmatar go to stop one of their own from rising to power!

Book Two is 100% written and in the final stages of polishing at nearly done... still a WIP
Tales of Eldelorne Book Cover. The Elder Tree by Karleigh Bon CLICK TO READ THE FIRST SIX CHAPTERS.
Book Three is 100% written but in the rewriting phase... still a WIP so, words are subject to change.

Meet Thendiel’s Clan…

Ask our ambassador, Fionna about Eldelorne
Ask Fionna about Eldelórne.
Ask Eijlam about Eldelórne.
Ask Roevash about Eldelórne.

“Born of golden scales and flame, born of the earth and waters of sea. Forged in secrets lost to time, a ruler to rise beyond the night.” ~Second Age of Dragons.

Hear the abridged story on the podcast, and learn some Elvish while you’re at it…

Inspiration’s Spot Light

Late night brainstorms, formidable challenges and things studied while word-crafting.

all the postscommon tongue

Writing and Polishing: Short tips

You must untangle your inner-self’s fishing line of ideas so complete strangers visiting your word-scapes[…]

all the postsmystical powerTales of Eldelórne

That thing about the kingdom…

“Tales of Eldelórne” trilogy emerges as a chilling testament to horrors that lie beneath the[…]

Original Art by Karleigh Bon

On Redbubble because they are a green cooperative company.

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